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  • Index of Whitney’s Roots

    February 6, 2015

    I prepared an index of the following work: William Dwight Whitney. The roots, verb-forms, and primary derivatives of the Sanskrit language. Leipzig : Breitkopf und Härtel, 1885. A PDF file of this work can be downloaded here.

    The index enumerates the Sanskrit roots Whitney collected, together with the corresponding page numbers and additional data. The purpose of creating this index was to create a search interface for the dictionary. The index is available as a CSV file, encoded in UTF-8 and normalized to NFC. You can download it here.

    Entries are sorted as in the book. This is not the Sanskrit alphabetical order, because several root forms can appear under the same heading, and because some roots only appear in a corrigenda at the end of the book.

    The CSV file contains the following columns:

    # Name Explanation
    0 id Entry id. A monotonically increasing integer, starting at 1. This value is used for cross-referencing purposes (see below).
    1 root The root given as heading, in IAST notation. Many entries include several root forms, thus idh, indh on p. 8. In such cases, each root form appears in a separate record within this CSV file.
    2 index Whitney uses integers to distinguish roots that bear the same name. See for instance iṣ on p. 9. This field holds the root index as given by Whitney, or 0 if none is given.
    3 page Page number. A positive integer. To be more accurate, this is the number of the page on which the term appears, if an entry spans several pages.
    4 parent When an entry mentions several root forms in the book, this field gives the id of the first of these roots (the entry heading). If the book entry mentions a single root form, this field holds this root’s id viz. the same value as field #0.
    5 pointer When Whitney refers to another entry, as for irad on p. 8, this field holds the id of the corresponding entry, otherwise 0. It should be noted that Whitney sometimes adds a few comments to these cross-references.

    Other electronic Sanskrit dictionaries are distributed by the University of Cologne.