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  • Concordance of the Mūlakārikās of Bhartṛhari’s Vākyapadīya, Brahmakāṇḍa

    July 3, 2019 (modified July 10, 2023)

    I have prepared a concordance of the mūlakārikās of the first chapter of Bhartṛhari’s Vākyapadīya, among the following editions and studies:

    You can download the concordance as a PDF file here. BibLaTeX entries for each edition are available here.

    The data I used to produce the concordance table is available as an archive here. It might be useful if you want to produce your own table or to create a search interface. The archive contains a set of files in CSV format, one for each edition. Each file includes five fields, as follows:

    # Field name Description
    0 id The number of the stanza in Rau’s edition. This value can be used as a stanza identifier to map the editions together.
    1 number The number of the stanza in this edition (a strictly positive integer). For Rau’s edition, this holds the same value as the “id” field.
    2 location A boolean that indicates whether, in this edition, the stanza is located in the mūla text or in the vṛtti. If it is located in the mūla text, holds the integer 0, otherwise 1. For Rau’s edition, this field always holds the value 0.
    3 start-page Number of the page on which the kārikā starts (a strictly positive integer).
    4 end-page Number of the page on which the kārikā ends. If the kārikā fits on a single page, holds the same value as the “start-page” field.