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  • bibhīṣikā

    See also vibhīṣikā.

    Apte Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary

    p. 797, col. 1.

    1 Threatening, terror.

    2 That which threatens or scares away; yadi te saṃti saṃtveva keyamanyā bibhīṣikā U. 4. 29.

    Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary (2nd ed.)

    p. 731, col. 3.
    bibhīṣikā w.r. for vibh°.

    Apte Enlarged Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary

    vol. 2, p. 1166.
    bibhīṣikā 1 Threatening, terror. -2 That which threatens or scares away; yadi te santi santveva keyamanyā bibhīṣikā U.4.29. See bibhīṣikā.

    Stchoupak Dictionnaire Sanscrit-Français

    p. 514, col. 2.
    bibhīṣikā- f. épouvantail.

    Böhtlingk Sanskrit-Wörterbuch in kürzerer Fassung

    vol. 4, p. 225, col. 3.
    bibhīṣikā f. BĀLAR. 80,13 fehlerhaft für vi°.

    Schmidt Nachträge zum Sanskrit-Wörterbuch

    p. 279, col. 1.
    bibhīṣikā f. auch Kāmas. III, 2, 30 = ed. Benares p. 197. Die ed. Bombay hat p. 204 °bibhīṣika mit der Variante °ta.

    Mahābhārata Cultural Index

    p. 119, col. 2.
    Bibhīṣikā f.: A kind of māyā used by

    the Gandharvas to frighten men.

    Arjuna told the Gandharva Aṅgāraparṇa

    that the Bibhīṣikā employed by him had no

    effect on those who knew the use of the

    astras; if employed, it vanished like foam

    (astrajñeṣu prayuktaiṣā phenavat pravilī-

    yate) 1. 158. 24.