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  • akaca

    See also akacaḥ.

    Wilson Sanskrit-English Dictionary

    p. 2.
    akaca m. (-caḥ) Name of KETU, the dragon's tail, or descending node. mfn. (-caḥ-cā-caṃ) Bald, destitute of hair.

    E. a priv. and kaca hair: this applies to KETU, as the symbol of the asterism is a headless trunk.

    Yates Sanskrit-English Dictionary

    p. 2, col. 1.
    a-kaca (caḥ) 1. m. Name of Ketu,
    the descending node; a. Bald.

    Goldstücker Sanskrit-English Dictionary

    p. 2, col. 2.
    akaca Bahuvr. I. m. f. n. (-caḥ-cā-cam) Bald, destitute of hair.

    II. m. (-caḥ) A name of Ketu, the dragon's tail, or

    descending node. E. a priv. and kaca: this applies to Ketu,

    as the symbol of the asterism is a headless trunk.

    Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary (1st ed.)

    p. 1, col. 2.
    akaca a-kaca, as, ā, am, destitute of hair,

    bald; (as), m., N. of Ketu, the dragon's tail or descend-

    ing node, the symbol of which is a headless trunk.

    Apte Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary

    p. 2, col. 3.
    akaca a. [na. ba.] Bald.

    caḥ N. of Ketu (the descending node), who (pb) is represented as a headless trunk. Tv. explains it thus: akāya duḥkhāya cāyate; cāy-ḍa; ketugrahasya udayena lokopaplavasya śāstraprasiddhiḥ; e. g. upaplavāya lokānāṃ dhūmaketurivotthitaḥ Ku. 2. 32.

    Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary (2nd ed.)

    p. 1, col. 3.
    a-kaca mfn. hairless, bald
    p. 1, col. 3.
    cf. ut-, ūrdhva-, vi-
    p. 1, col. 3.
    a-kaca m. N. of Ketu, the dragon's tail or descending node (having a headless trunk), L.

    Śabdasāgara Sanskrit-English Dictionary

    p. 2, col. 1.

    m. (-caḥ) Name of KETU, the dragon's tail, or descending node.
    mfn. (-caḥ-cā-caṃ) Bald, destitute of hair.

    E. a priv. and kaca hair;
    this applies to KETU, as the symbol of the asterism is a headless

    Apte Enlarged Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary

    vol. 1, p. 3.
    akaca a. [na. ba.] Bald. -caḥ N. of Ketu (the descending node), who is represented as a headless trunk. Tv. explains it thus : akāya duḥkhāya cāyate; cāy-ḍa; ketugrahasya udayena lokopaplavasya śāstraprasiddhiḥ.

    Burnouf Dictionnaire Sanscrit-Français

    p. 5, col. 1.
    akaca akaca a. (kaca) sans cheveux, sans poil, ép. de Ketu.

    S. m. le nœud descendant de la lune.

    Böhtlingk and Roth Grosses Petersburger Wörterbuch

    vol. 1, p. 7.
    akaca (3. a + kaca) m. Ketu, der niedersteigende Knoten HĀR. 37.
    vol. 5, p. 942.
    akaca vgl. utkaca, ūrdhvakaca, vikaca .

    Böhtlingk Sanskrit-Wörterbuch in kürzerer Fassung

    vol. 1, p. 1, col. 3.
    *akaca m. Ketu , der niedersteigende Knoten.


    p. 37, col. 2.
    akaca pu0 akāya duḥkhāya cāyate cāyaḍa . ketugrahe
    tasya codayena lokopaplavasya śāstraprasiddhiḥ ketuśabde
    vistaraḥ . upaplavāya lokānāṃ dhūmaketurivotthita iti kumā0 .
    nāsti kacoyasya . keśaśūnye (ṭākarogayukta) tri0 .