akṣayatṛtīyā f. (-yā) The third day of the lunar half of the month Vaiśākha. (April-May.)
E. akṣaya durable, and tṛtīyā the third day: the consequences of meritorious actions performed on this day being permanent, as it is the first day of the Satya Yuga or the anniversary of creation.
a-kṣaya—tṛtīyā f. N. of a festival (the third day of the bright half of Vaiśākha, which is the first day of the Satya-yuga, and secures permanency to actions then performed).
f. (-yā) The third day of the lunar half of the month of Vaiśākha. (April-May.)
E. akṣaya durable, and tṛtīyā the third day: the consequences of meritorious actions performed on this day being permanent, as it is the first day of the Satya Yuga or the anniversary of creation.
Böhtlingk and Roth Grosses Petersburger Wörterbuch
akṣayatṛtīyā (akṣaya + tṛtīyā) f. der 3te Tag des zunehmenden Mondes im Monat Vaiśākha. Mit diesem Tage begann das Satyayuga, und fromme Handlungen, an diesem Tage vollbracht, bereiten unvergängliche (akṣaya) Belohnungen; eine Smṛti im ŚKDR.
Akṣayatṛtīyā (vratam) — the third day of Śuklapakṣa of the month Vaiśākha. It is all the more important if Kṛt- tikā happens to be the nakṣatra of that day. A prayer to Janārdana on that day accompanied by fasting is equal to performing the Rājasūya. M. 65. 1-7.