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    See also aksaya, akṣayaḥ, akṣayya.

    Wilson Sanskrit-English Dictionary

    p. 4.
    akṣaya mfn. (-yaḥ-yā-yaṃ) Durable, permanent, imperishable. f. (-yā) The seventh day of a lunar month, which happens on a Sunday or Monday, and the fourth, which falls on a Wednesday.

    E. a neg. and kṣai to waste or decay, aff. ac.

    Yates Sanskrit-English Dictionary

    p. 3, col. 2.
    a-kṣaya (yaḥ-yā-yaṃ) a. Durable.

    Goldstücker Sanskrit-English Dictionary

    p. 6, col. 2.
    akṣaya Bahuvr. I. m. f. n. (-yaḥ-yā-yam) Durable, permanent,


    II. f. (-yā) The seventh day of a lunar month, which

    happens on a Sunday or Monday, and the fourth, which

    falls on a Wednesday. E. a priv. and kṣaya.

    Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary (1st ed.)

    p. 3, col. 2.
    akṣaya a-kṣaya, as, ā, am, exempt from

    decay, undecaying; (as), m., N. of the twentieth year

    in the cycle of Jupiter; (ā), f. the seventh day of

    a lunar month, if it fall on Sunday or Monday; the

    fourth, if it fall on Wednesday. —Akṣaya-guṇa, as,

    ā, am, possessing imperishable qualities; (as), m. Śiva.

    —Akṣaya-tā, f. or akṣaya-tva, am, n. imperish-

    ableness. —Akṣaya-tṛtīyā, f. a festival, the third

    day of the bright half of Vaiśākha, which is the first

    day of the Satya-yuga, and secures permanency to ac-

    tions then performed. —Akṣaya-puruhūta, as, m.

    Śiva. —Akṣaya-mati, is, m., N. of a Bodhi-sattva.

    —Akṣaya-loka, as, m. the undecaying world, hea-

    ven. —Akṣayā-lalitā, f. festival observed by women

    on the seventh day of the second half of Bhādra.

    Lanman’s Sanskrit Reader Vocabulary

    p. 111, col. 2.
    a-kṣaya, a. imperishable.

    Apte Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary

    p. 7, col. 1.
    akṣaya a. [nāsti kṣayo yasya]

    1 Undecaying, exempt from decay, imperishable, undying, unfailing, inexhaustible; sadopayogepi gurustvamakṣayonidhiḥ Śi. 1. 28; sa saṃdhāryaḥ prayatnena svargamakṣayamicchatā Ms. 3. 79; yajñanirvṛtimakṣayāṃ 4. 23; gayāyāmakṣayavaṭe pitṝṇāṃ dattamakṣayaṃ Vāyu.; trisādhanā śaktirivārthamakṣayaṃ R. 3. 13.

    2 Poor, without house or habitation, such as a hermit or saṃnyāsin (kṣayovāsaḥ tacchūnyaḥ aniketanaḥ saṃnyāsī daridrovā.)


    1 The Supreme Spirit paramātman.

    2 N. of the 20th year in the cycle of Jupiter.

    [akṣayaṃ puṇyaṃ yatrāsti-ac] N. of a day which is said to confer undying religious merit; amaiva somavāreṇa ravivāreṇa saptamī . caturthī bhaumavāreṇa akṣayādapi cākṣayā ..


    guṇaḥ, puruhūtaḥ Śiva (possessing imperishable qualities).

    tṛtīyā the festival falling on the third day of the bright half of Vaiśākha (the first day of satyayuga) which is said to secure permanence to all actions (pb) performed on that day (vaiśākhe māsi rājeṃdra śuklapakṣe tṛtīyikā . akṣayā sā tithiḥ proktā kṛttikārohiṇīyutā .. tasyāṃ dānādikaṃ sarvamakṣayaṃ samudāhṛtaṃ).

    lokaḥ the heaven.

    Cappeller Sanskrit-English Dictionary

    p. 3.
    akṣaya a. imperishable; abstr °tā f., °tva n.

    Macdonell Sanskrit-English Dictionary

    p. 2, col. 2.
    akṣaya a-kṣaya, a. imperishable; -tva, n.
    -ness, exemption from decay; -loka, m. heaven.

    Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary (2nd ed.)

    p. 3, col. 2.
    a-kṣaya mf(ā)n. exempt from decay, undecaying
    p. 3, col. 2.
    a-kṣaya m. N. of the twentieth year in the cycle of Jupiter
    p. 3, col. 2.
    N. of a mountain, Hariv.

    Śabdasāgara Sanskrit-English Dictionary

    p. 3, col. 2.

    mfn. (-yaḥ-yā-yaṃ) Durable, permanent, imperishable.

    f. (-yā)
    The seventh day of a lunar month, which happens on a Sunday
    or Monday, and the fourth, which falls on a Wednesday.

    E. a
    neg. and kṣa to waste or decay, aff. ac.

    Apte Enlarged Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary

    vol. 1, p. 8.
    akṣaya a. [nāsti kṣayo yasya] 1 Undecaying, exempt from decay, imperishable, undying, unfailing, inexhaustible; sadopayoge'pi gurustvamakṣayo nidhiḥ Śi 1.28; sa saṃdhāryaḥ prayatnena svargamakṣayamicchatā Ms.3.79; yajñanirvṛttimakṣayāṃ 4.23; gayā- yāmakṣayavaṭe pitṝṇāṃ dattamakṣayaṃ Vāyu P.; trisādhanā śaktirivārthamakṣayaṃ R.3.13; munibhiḥ sārdhamakṣayaiḥ Rām.7.108.12; Mb.9.176. -2 Poor, without house or habitation, such as a hermit or saṃnyāsin (kṣayo vāsaḥ tacchūnyaḥ aniketanaḥ saṃnyāsī daridro vā.) -yaḥ 1 The Supreme Spirit paramātman. -2 N. of the 20th year in the cycle of Jupiter. - [akṣayaṃ puṇyaṃ yatrāsti-ac] N. of a day which is said to confer undying religious merit; amaiva somavāreṇa ravivāreṇa saptamī | caturthī bhaumavāreṇa akṣayādapi cākṣayā. -Comp. -guṇaḥ, -puruhūtaḥ Śiva (possessing imperishable qualities). -tṛtīyā the festival falling on the third day of the bright half of Vaiśākha (the first day of (satyayuga), which is said to secure permanence to all actions performed on that day (vaiśākhe māsi rājendra śuklapakṣe tṛtīyikā | akṣayā sā tithiḥ proktā kṛttikārohiṇīyutā || tasyāṃ dānādikaṃ sarvapakṣayaṃ samudāhṛtam). -nīvī f. a permanent endowment. Buddhist Inser. -matiḥ name of a Buddhist. -lokaḥ the heaven.

    Burnouf Dictionnaire Sanscrit-Français

    p. 7, col. 1.
    akṣaya akṣaya a. (kṣi) impérissable, perpétuel; qui ne décline pas.

    akṣayatva n. indestructibilité; perpétuité, permanence.

    Stchoupak Dictionnaire Sanscrit-Français

    p. 3, col. 2.
    a-kṣaya- a. impérissable; -tva- nt. fait d'être impérissable.

    Böhtlingk and Roth Grosses Petersburger Wörterbuch

    vol. 1, p. 16.
    akṣaya (3. a + kṣaya)

    1) adj. f. ā unvergänglich M. 3, 79. 202. 273. 275. 4, 23. 226. 6, 64. 97. 7, 82. 83. 8, 344.

    — 2) Name des 20sten Jahres im 60jährigen Bṛhaspati - Cyclus, CSOMA, Tib. Gr. 151.

    — 3) f. °yā der 7te Tag eines Mondmonats, der mit einem Sonntag oder Montag beginnt, oder der 4te Tag eines solchen, der mit einem Donnerstag anhebt: amaiva somavāreṇa ravivāreṇa saptamī . caturthī bhaumavāreṇa akṣayādapi cākṣayā BHAV. P. im ŚKDR.

    Böhtlingk Sanskrit-Wörterbuch in kürzerer Fassung

    vol. 1, p. 4, col. 2.

    — 1) Adj. (f. ā) unvergänglich 88,26. 96,16.

    — 2) f. ā der 7te Tag eines Mondmonats , der mit einem Sonn- oder Montag beginnt , order der 4te Tag eines solchen , der mit einem Dienstag anhebt.

    Cappeller Sanskrit Wörterbuch

    p. 2, col. 1.
    akṣaya unvergänglich. Abstr. °tā f., °tvā n.

    Schmidt Nachträge zum Sanskrit-Wörterbuch

    p. 4, col. 2.
    akṣaya 2. f. b) N. pr. einer Yoginī, Hemādri 2, a, 93, 18.
    p. 4, col. 2.
    Akṣaya m. N. pr. eines Berges, Hariv. 2, 98, 15.

    Bopp Glossarium Sanscritum

    p. 2, col. 1.
    akṣaya (BAH. ex a priv. et kṣaya m. exitium) liber ab exitio,

    sempiternus. N. 2. 18.


    p. 44, col. 1.
    akṣaya tri0 nāsti kṣayo'sya . kṣayarahite sarvvadā varttamāne
    gayāyāmakṣayavaṭe pitṝṇāṃ dattamakṣayamiti vāyupurāṇam
    abhijidrohiṇodaye yadatra dīyate jantostadakṣayamudā-
    hṛtamiti smṛtiḥ . paramātmani pu0 . kṣayovāsaḥ,
    tacchūnye aniketane saṃnyāsini, daridre ca . akṣayaṃ puṇya-
    matrāsti ac . akṣayapuṇyasādhane tithibhede ca amā vai
    somavāreṇa ravivāreṇa saptamī . caturthī bhaumavāreṇa akṣa-
    yādapi cākṣayeti bhaviṣyapurāṇam .

    Edgerton Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Dictionary

    p. 3, col. 1.
    akṣaya (1) a high number, m. in Mvy 7793, nt. in

    Gv 134.2 and Mvy 7922 (cited from Gv); gender ambiguous

    (°asya, gen.) Gv 106.5, 18, in both of which read sattvāk-

    ṣaya-for sattva-kṣaya-; (2) m., n. of a samādhi: Mvy

    547; ŚsP 1418.15.