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    See also akṣamaḥ.

    Wilson Sanskrit-English Dictionary

    p. 4.
    akṣama mfn. (-maḥ-mā-maṃ)

    1 Impatient, intolerant.

    2 Unable, incompetent, impotent. f. (-mā)

    1 Impatience, intolerance.

    2 Envy, impatience of another's success.

    3 Inability, incapacity.

    E. a neg. kṣamā patience.

    Yates Sanskrit-English Dictionary

    p. 3, col. 2.
    a-kṣama (maḥ-mā-maṃ) a. Impatient; in-
    competent, impotent.

    Goldstücker Sanskrit-English Dictionary

    p. 6, col. 1.
    akṣama Tatpur. I. m. f. n. (-maḥ-mā-mam) 1 Impatient, intoler-

    ant. 2 Unable, incompetent, impotent. E. a neg. and kṣama.

    II. f. (-mā) 1 Impatience, intolerance. 2 Envy, impatience

    of another's success. 3 Inability, incapacity. E. a neg.

    and kṣamā.

    Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary (1st ed.)

    p. 3, col. 2.
    akṣama a-kṣama, as, ā, am, unable to en-

    dure, impatient; incompetent. —A-kṣamā or akṣa-

    ma-tā, f. impatience, envy; incompetence.

    Lanman’s Sanskrit Reader Vocabulary

    p. 111, col. 2.
    a-kṣama, a. not equal to a thing; unable, w. inf.

    Apte Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary

    p. 7, col. 1.
    akṣama a. [na. ta.]

    1 Unfit, incompetent, unable; kārya, °palāyana°, upavāsa° &c.

    2 Unable to bear or endure, not forbearing, non-forbearing; impatient; °mā kālaharaṇasya Ś. 3 unable to brook delay, admitting of no delay; māmakṣamaṃ maṃḍanakālahāneḥ R. 13. 16.

    [na. ta]

    1 Impatience, intolerance; envy, jealousy; dhāvaṃtyamī mṛgajavākṣamayeva rathyāḥ Ś. 1. 8 as if envying (jealous of) the deer's speed.

    2 Anger, passion.

    Cappeller Sanskrit-English Dictionary

    p. 2.
    akṣama a. unable to bear, no match or unfit for (loc., inf., or —°); f. ā intolerance, impatience, envy.

    Macdonell Sanskrit-English Dictionary

    p. 2, col. 2.
    akṣama a-kṣama, a. unable to, incapable of
    (lc., inf. or -°).

    Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary (2nd ed.)

    p. 3, col. 2.
    a-kṣama mf(ā)n. unable to endure, impatient
    p. 3, col. 2.
    incompetent (with Loc., Inf. or ifc.), envious
    p. 1308, col. 2.
    unfit, improper, Jātakam.

    Śabdasāgara Sanskrit-English Dictionary

    p. 3, col. 2.

    mfn. (-maḥ-mā-maṃ)

    1. Impatient, intolerant.

    2. Unable, incompet-
    ent, impotent

    f. (-mā)

    1. Impatience, intolerance.

    2. Envy,
    impatience of another's success.

    3. Inability, incapacity.

    E. a neg.
    kṣamā patience.

    Apte Enlarged Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary

    vol. 1, p. 8.
    akṣama a. [na. ta.] 1 Unfit, incompetent, unable; kāryaṃ˚, palāyanaupavāsa˚ &c. -2 Unable to bear or endure, not forbearing, non-forbearing; impatient; ˚mā kālaharaṇasya Ś.3 unable to brook delay, admitting of no delay; māmakṣamaṃ maṇḍanakālahāneḥ R.13.16. - [na. ta.] 1 Impatience, intolerance; envy, jealousy; dhāvantyamī mṛgajavākṣamayeva rathyāḥ Ś.1.8 as if envying (jealous of) the deer's speed. -2 Anger, passion.

    Burnouf Dictionnaire Sanscrit-Français

    p. 7, col. 1.
    akṣama akṣama a. (kṣam) impatient, qui ne supporte pas.

    akṣamā f. impatience; envie.

    Stchoupak Dictionnaire Sanscrit-Français

    p. 3, col. 2.
    a-kṣama- a. incapable de (loc. inf. et ifc.); qui ne convient pas; envieux; -ā- f. envie; impatience; -āvant- a. impatient.

    Böhtlingk and Roth Grosses Petersburger Wörterbuch

    vol. 1, p. 16.
    akṣama (3. a + kṣama) adj. f. ā nicht im Stande zu tragen, nicht gewachsen: vratopavāsākṣamā SĀV. 4, 20. kāryākṣama HIT. 6, 9. nicht im Stande, mit dem Inf.: palāyitumakṣamaḥ 12, 3. 18, 15. nach einem Nom. act.: strīdhanaṃ vinā vartanākṣamaḥ DĀY. 125, 6.
    vol. 5, p. 945.
    akṣama adj. unfähig Spr. 3378. missgünstig R. 3, 57, 20. ālāpa Verz. d. Oxf. H. 120,a,20.

    Böhtlingk Sanskrit-Wörterbuch in kürzerer Fassung

    vol. 1, p. 4, col. 2.
    akṣama Adj. (f. ā)

    — 1) einer Sache nicht gewachsen , nicht vermögend , unfähig ; mit Loc. , Inf. oder am Ende eines Comp. 179,32.

    — 2) missgünstig.

    Cappeller Sanskrit Wörterbuch

    p. 2, col. 1.
    akṣama nicht ertragen könnend, unfähig zu (Loc., Inf. o. —°); f. Ungeduld, Neid.

    Schmidt Nachträge zum Sanskrit-Wörterbuch

    p. 4, col. 2.
    akṣama 3. unpassend, unangemessen, Bhāg. P. 1, 14, 43; Jātakam. 19, 6.

    Bopp Glossarium Sanscritum

    p. 2, col. 1.
    akṣama (KARM. ex a priv. et kṣama potens, a r. kṣam s. a)

    impotens. SA. 4. 20.


    p. 43, col. 2.
    akṣama tri0 na kṣamate kṣamaac na0 ta0 . asamarthe .
    kṣamabhāve aṅ abhāvārthe na0 ta0 . kṣamābhāve īrṣyā-
    yām strī . akṣamā bhavataḥ keyamiti bhāratam .
    na0 ba0 . kṣamārahite tri0 .