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    Apte Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary

    p. 6, col. 3.
    akṣaṇa a. [nāsti kṣaṇo yogyakālo yasya] Inopportune, unseasonable.

    Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary (2nd ed.)

    p. 3, col. 2.
    a-kṣaṇa mfn. inopportune.

    Apte Enlarged Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary

    vol. 1, p. 8.
    akṣaṇa a. [nāsti kṣaṇo yogyakālo yasya] Inopportune. unseasonable.

    Burnouf Dictionnaire Sanscrit-Français

    p. 6, col. 2.
    akṣaṇa akṣaṇa a. (kṣaṇa) inopportun, à contre-temps; inopiné; calamiteux.

    Böhtlingk and Roth Grosses Petersburger Wörterbuch

    vol. 5, p. 945.
    akṣaṇa adj. unzeitig, der Zeit nicht entsprechend, unerwartet, unheilvoll BURNOUF in Lot. de la b. l. 835.

    Böhtlingk Sanskrit-Wörterbuch in kürzerer Fassung

    vol. 1, p. 4, col. 1.
    akṣaṇa m. n. Ungelegenheit , Verdruss LALIT. 344,5. 456,13. 458,13.

    Schmidt Nachträge zum Sanskrit-Wörterbuch

    p. 381, col. 1.
    akṣaṇa m. n. °Unzeit, Sperre, Kauṭ. 146, 2. 10. Vgl. J. J. Meyer, S. 233, Anm. 2.

    Edgerton Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Dictionary

    p. 2, col. 2.
    akṣaṇa , m. or nt. (= Pali akkhaṇa), inopportune birth,

    birth under such circumstances that one cannot learn from

    a Buddha. There are eight such in Pali, DN iii.287.12 ff.;

    AN iv. 225.19 ff. (9 in DN iii.263.31 ff.), viz.: (at a time when

    a Buddha is living) one is born (1) in a hell, (2) as an

    animal, (3) as a preta, (4) as one of the ‘long-lived gods’,

    (5) in border countries or barbarian regions, (6) with

    perverted, heretical mentality, (7) dull, stupid, incapable

    of distinguishing the gospel from what is inconsistent with

    it; or (8) he is born capable of profiting from the gospel

    but at a time when no Buddha exists to teach it. (DN

    iii.263 ff. adds as 9th, after No. 3, birth as an asura.)

    These same 8, transposing 6 and 7, are briefly listed Mvy

    2299--2306: (1) narakāḥ, (2) tiryañcaḥ, (3) pretāḥ, (4)

    dīrghāyuṣo devāḥ, (5) pratyantajanapadam, (6) indriyavai-

    kalyam, (7) mithyādarśanam, (8) tathāgatānām anutpādaḥ.

    In Dharmas 134 No. 5 is put before 4, otherwise 1--7 as

    in Mvy, but 8 (obviously by a secondary change) is wholly

    different: (1) narakopapattis, (2) tiryagupapattir, (3)

    yamalokopapattiḥ, (4) pratyantajanapadopapattir, (5)

    dīrghāyuṣadevopapattir, (6) indriyavikalatā, (7) mithyā-

    dṛṣṭiś, (8) cittotpādavirāgitatā (seems to be a different

    version of 6, which corresponds to Pali 7, while 8 of the

    others is omitted). As opposed to these there is only one

    kṣaṇa, opportune birth; see s.v. Eight akṣaṇa Mv ii.363.3;

    LV 412.14; Śikṣ 2.4; 114.14; Gv 116.16; Suv 41.13. The

    word never means misfortune in general, but only un-

    favorable birth, and in most cases clearly in just the sense

    described above. So Śikṣ 147.14 akṣaṇagatiṃ na gacchaty

    anyatra sattvaparipākāt, (a Bodhisattva) is not born in

    an inopportune birth, except to mature creatures (the transl.

    misunderstands); LV 278.22 akṣaṇāni pithitāny abhūvan,

    and 279.19 akṣaṇāḥ pithitāḥ, are explained by Gv 112.19

    sarvākṣaṇadvārakapāṭāni pithayiṣyati (or with text

    pithapayiṣ°, see Chap. 43, s.v.) he will close the door-panels

    (opening into) all the inopportune births. The akṣaṇa are

    śodhita, purified, LV 53.6; 357.5, or made śūnya, empty,

    LV 358.13. Others: LV 12.3; 34.22; 275.21; 327.13; 364.7;

    Mv ii.358.5; 371.12; 392.5 = Śikṣ 306.1; Av i.291.12;

    RP 35.19; Śikṣ 69.5; Sukh 23.9; Gv 54.9 (preta-tiryaṅ-

    narakākṣaṇe-gatāḥ); cf. Lévi, Sūtrāl. 17.26. On SP 163.8

    akṣaṇāḥ saṃvṛtā cf. Senart's note Mv i.405 f.; it is (as

    Senart says) certainly secondary, the original being aghā(ḥ)

    aghasaṃvṛtā(ḥ), miseries, surrounded by miseries (in ap-

    position with lokāntarikā, q.v., sc. narakāḥ or nirayāḥ);

    akṣaṇāḥ in SP was, in my opinion as in Senart's (if I under-

    stand him), a noun and a near-synonym of aghā(ḥ),

    (constituting) unfavorable births, see agha (2). Perhaps

    akṣaṇasaṃvṛtā(ḥ) was originally read after it(?). In Dbh.g.

    7(343).4 read probably akṣaṇāḥ for text akṣalāḥ: sarve ti

    pāpapatitā 'kṣalāḥ (text) prabhonti.