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    See also akṛtabraṇa.

    Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary (2nd ed.)

    p. 2, col. 2.
    a-kṛta—vraṇa m. N. of a commentator on the Purāṇas, VP.
    p. 2, col. 2.
    of a companion of Rāma Jāmadagnya, MBh.
    p. 2, col. 2.
    of a teacher.

    Böhtlingk and Roth Grosses Petersburger Wörterbuch

    vol. 1, p. 11.
    akṛtavraṇa (1. akṛta + vraṇa) m. Name eines Purāṇa - Lehrers VP.
    vol. 5, p. 944.
    akṛtavraṇa N. pr. eines Begleiters (anucara) des Rāma Jāmadagnya MBH. 3, 11027. fgg. (S. 570). 5, 6058. fgg. N. pr. eines Lehrers Verz. d. Oxf. H. 55,b,41.

    Böhtlingk Sanskrit-Wörterbuch in kürzerer Fassung

    vol. 1, p. 3, col. 1.
    akṛtavraṇa m. N.pr. verschiedener Männer.

    Index to the Names in the Mahābhārata

    p. 28, col. 2.
    Akṛtavraṇa, a follower of Paraśu-Rāma. § 393 (Paraśu-

    Rāma): III, 115, 10127 (Rāmasyānucaraṃ vīram), (10129).—

    § 394 (Arjuna Kārtavīrya): III, 115 (10133).—§ 394b

    (Tīrthayātrāp.): III, 115: A. had followed Rāma Jāma-

    dagnya and been an eye-witness of all his deeds in former

    days.—§ 395 (Jamadagni): III, 115 (10150).—§ 396 (do.):

    III, 116 (10171).—§ 573 (Ambop.): V, 176, 6058 (Rāma-

    syānucaraḥ priyaḥ), 6062, 6063, (6064); 177 (6083), (6091);

    179, 7132 (he acted as Yuyutsu's charioteer, sakhā Veda-vid

    atyantaṃ dayito Bhārgavasya ha); 180, 7179 (°prabhṛtayaḥ

    …Rāmasyānucarāḥ); 184, 7280 (sakhā vipro, sc.

    Rāmasya).—§ 734 (Ānuśāsanik.): XIII, 26α, 1765 (among

    the ṛṣis who surround Bhīṣma when he lies on his

    arrow bed).

    The Purāṇa Index

    vol. 1, p. 2.
    Akṛtavraṇa (I) — a Brāhman invited for the Rājasūya of

    Yudhiṣṭhira to officiate as a priest.

    Bhā., X. 74. 9.
    vol. 1, p. 2.
    Akṛtavraṇa (II) — a Paurāṇika. Learnt one of the four

    Mūlasamhitas from the disciple of Vyāsa;1 a pupil of Roma-

    harṣaṇa; otherwise known as Kāśyapa.2 [Footnote] 1) Bhā., XII. 7. 5, 7. [Footnote] 2) Vi. III. 6. 17.
    vol. 1, p. 2.
    Akṛtavraṇa (III) — a sage.

    Br. II. 35. 63.
    vol. 1, p. 2.
    Akṛtavraṇa (IV) — the Brahman boy rescued by Paraśu-

    rāma, his guru, from the jaws of a tiger.1 Advised to take

    courage and console his mother; condoled with him on the

    loss of his parents.2 Accompanied Paraśurāma, to Mandira

    for a twelve years' penance and to Mahendra for another

    course of austerities. Helped Paraśurāma in his Aśvamedha

    and the penance after.3 [Footnote] 1) Br. III. 26. 3; 30. 21; 34, 8, 29; 35. 37. [Footnote] 2) Br. III. 37. 10;

    38, 2, 35; 39. 13; 41. 15, 17; 43, 31; 44. 1, 30. [Footnote] 3) Br. III. 46.

    3, 28; 47. 34, 59.

    Puranic Encyclopedia

    p. 21, col. 2.

    1) General information. Akṛtavraṇa was a great sage of

    erudition and was a disciple of Paraśurāma. He is ex-

    tolled in the Purāṇas and it is said that Sūta who recited

    first the story of Mahābhārata to an assembly of sages in

    the forest of Naimiśa was a disciple of Akṛtavraṇa.

    (Skandha 12 of Bhāgavata).

    2) How he became a disciple of Paraśurāma. Para urāma

    was returning after obtaining arrows from Lord Śiva

    after pleasing him by fierce penance. He was walking

    briskly through the dense forests anxious to be at the side

    of his preceptors to get their blessings. As he passed a

    great cave he heard a moan and on getting to the site

    of the sound found a brahmin boy being attacked by a

    tiger. The tiger immediately fell dead by an arrow from

    Paraśurāma. Lo! the tiger turned into a gandharva

    freed now from a curse because of which he was for years

    living as a tiger. The gandharva bowed down respect-

    fully and thanked the sage for giving him relief and left

    the place. The brahmin boy fell down at the feet of

    Paraśurāma and said, “Great Lord, because of you I

    have now become Akṛtavraṇa meaning one who has not

    received any wound. (Akṛta=not having secured.

    Vraṇa=wound). I shall, therefore, be your disciple for-

    ever hereafter”. From that day onwards he never left

    Paraśurāma but followed him as his disciple.

    3) Other details. (1) In the story of Mahābhārata we

    find Akṛtavraṇa in several different contexts appearing

    on behalf of Paraśurāma. It was Akṛtavraṇa who told

    Dharmaputra the life and exploits of Paraśurāma during

    the exile of the Pāṇḍavas in the forests. (Chapters 115 to

    117, Vana Parva, M.B.).

    (2) In Chapter 83 of Udyoga Parva we read about

    Akṛtavraṇa meeting Śrī Kṛṣṇa while the latter was going

    to Hastināpura.

    (3) In Chapter 173 of Udyoga Parva we read about

    Akṛtavraṇa detailing the history of the Kaurava dynasty

    to Duryodhana.

    (4) Akṛtavraṇa has played a very important role in the

    story of Ambā, daughter of the King of Kāśī. Ambā

    along with her two sisters, Ambikā and Ambālikā, were

    brought down to Hastināpura by Bhīṣma for his brother

    Vicitravīrya to marry. But on knowing that Ambā had

    mentally chosen Sālva as her husband, Bhīṣma allowed

    her to go back to Sālva. But on her return to Sālva he

    refused to accept her and she came back to Hastināpura.

    Bhīṣma then requested Vicitravīrya to accept her as

    his wife which, unfortunately, Vicitravīrya also refused

    to do. Ambā then turned to Bhīṣma and besought him

    to marry her which, much to his regret, he could not do

    because of his vow of celibacy. Thus forsaken by all,

    all her sweetness turned into bitter hatred towards

    Bhīṣma and she remained alive thereafter only to kill

    Bhīṣma. But even the foremost of warriors were not

    willing to antagonise Bhīṣma and so her appeal to help

    was not heeded by any. It was then that Hotravāha her

    grandfather on the maternal side met her and directed

    her to Paraśurāma. When she went to Paraśurāma it

    was Akṛtavraṇa who received her and on hearing her

    sorrowful tale encouraged her to seek vengeance on

    Bhīṣma. Again it was he who persuaded Paraśurāma to

    champion her cause and go for a fight against Bhīṣma.

    During the fight Akṛtavraṇa acted as charioteer to

    Paraśurāma. (Śloka 9, Chapter 179, Udyoga Parva,


    (5) Akṛtavraṇa was one of the many sages who were

    lying on a bed of arrows during the great Kurukṣetra

    battle. (Śloka 8, Chapter 26, Anuśāsana Parva, M.B.).