akṛtaa-kṛta, as, ā, am, undone, un- performed; not made, uncreated; not prepared, not ready, incomplete; one who has done no works; (am), n. an unperformed act; an unheard-of action or crime; (ā), f. a daughter not placed on a level with sons. —Akṛta-kāram, ind. as has not been done be- fore. —Akṛta-jña, as, ā, am, ungrateful. —Akṛta-jña-tā, f. ingratitude. —Akṛta-buddhi, is, is, i, having an unformed mind. —Akṛtabuddhi-tva,am, n. ignorance. —Akṛta-vraṇa, as, m., N. of an expounder of the Purāṇas. —Akṛtātman (°ta-āt°), ā, ā, a, having an unformed mind; not yet identi- fied with the supreme spirit. —Akṛtārtha (°ta-ar°),as, ā, am, having one's object unaccomplished unsuc- cessful. —A-kṛtāstra (°ta-as°), as, ā, am, unpractised in arms. —A-kṛtainas (°ta-en°), ās, ās, as, innocent. —Akṛtodvāha (°ta-ud°), as, ā, am, unmarried.
akṛtaa. [kṛ-karmaṇi ktaḥ, na. ta.] 1 Not done; undone; unperformed; sarvān balakṛtānarthānakṛtān manurabravīt Ms. 8. 168; kṛtaṃ cāpyakṛtaṃ bhavet 117. 2 Wrongly or differently done; kṛtākṛtāvekṣaṇādau brahmā ṛtvikniyujyateiti yājñikāḥ. 3 Incomplete, not ready (as food); akṛtaṃ ca kṛtātkṣetrāt (adoṣavat) Ms. 10. 114 not cultivated (anuptaśasyaṃ Kull.); kṛtānnaṃ cākṛtānnena (nirmātavyaṃ) 10. 94 (siddhānnaṃ cāmānnena Kull.) 4 Uncreated. 5 One who has done no works. 6 Not developed or perfected, unripe, immature. —tā One not legally regarded as a daughter and placed on a level with sons, (putrikātvena akalpitā); akṛtā vā kṛtāvāpi yaṃ viṃdetsadṛśātsutaṃ Ms. 9. 136; according to some, a daughter who is not by a formal declaration but only mentally appointed to supply an heir for her father (abhisaṃdhimātrakṛtāvāgvyavahāreṇa kṛtā; kṛtā = yadapatyaṃ bhavedasyāṃ tanmamaṃsyātsvadhākaraṃ ityābhidhāya kanyādānakālevarānumatyā yā kriyate Kull.). —taṃ An unperformed act; non-performance of an act; an unheard-of deed; akṛtaṃ vaiprajāpatiḥ karoti Ait. Br. Comp.—arthaa. unsuccessful. —astraa. unpractised in arms. —ātmana. 1 ignorant, foolish, having an unformed mind. 2 not identified with Brahmā or the Supreme Spirit. —udvāhaa. unmarried. —enasa. not sinful or guilty, innocent. —kāraṃadv. as has not been done before; °raṃ karoti P. III. 4. 36. —jñaa. ungrateful. —dhī, —buddhia. ignorant; °ddhitvāt Bg. 18. 16 through unrefined understanding.
akṛtaa. [kṛ-karmaṇi ktaḥ, na. ta.] 1 Not done, undone, unperformed; sarvān balakṛtānarthānakṛtān manurabravīt Ms.8.168; kṛtaṃ cāpyakṛtaṃ bhavet 8.117. -2 Wrongly or differently done; kṛtākṛtāvekṣaṇādau brahmā ṛtviṅ niyujyate iti yājñikāḥ. -3 Incomplete, not ready (as food); akṛtaṃ ca kṛtātkṣetrāt (adoṣavat) Ms.10.144. not cultivated (anuptaśasyam Kull.); kṛtānnaṃ cākṛtā- nnena (nirmātavyam) 10.94 (siddhānnaṃ cāmānnena Kull.) -4 Uncreated. -5 One who has done no work. -6 Not developed or perfected, unripe, immature. -tā One not legally regarded as a daughter and placed on a level with sons, (putrikātvena akalpitā); akṛtā vā kṛtā vāpi yaṃ vindetsadṛśātsutam Ms.9.136; according to some, a daughter who is not by a formal declaration but only mentally appointed to supply an heir for her father (abhisaṃdhimātrakṛtā vāgvyavahāreṇa kṛtā; kṛtā = yadapatyaṃ bhavedasyāṃ tanmama syātsvadhākaram ityabhidhāya kanyādānakāle varānumatyā yā kriyate Kull.). -tam An unperformed act; non-performance of an act; an unheard-of deed; akṛtaṃ vai prajāpatiḥ karoti Ait. Br. -Comp. -arthaa.. unsuccessful. -astraa. unpractised in arms. -ātmana.1 ignorant, foolish, having an uncontrolled mind. -2 not identified with Brahma or the Supreme Spirit. -udvāhaa. unmarried. -enasa. not sinful or guilty, innocent. -kāramadv. as has not been done before; ˚raṃ karoti Kāś.III.4.36. -jñaa. ungrateful. -dhī, --buddhia. ignorant; paśyatyakṛtabuddhitvānna sa paśyati durmatiḥ Bg.18.16 through unrefined understanding. -vraṇaḥ -1 N.of a commentator on the Purāṇas; V. P.; of a companion of Rāma Jāmadagnya; Mb. -2 not wounded.
a-kṛta- a. v. non fait; non travaillé; non commis; non mûr; incréé; nt. acte non encore exécuté; -ā- f. (fille) qui n'a pas été officiellement chargée de fournir un héritier à son père; -in- a. qui n'a pas atteint son but; -ka- = a-kṛtrima-.
°cūḍa- a. qui n'a pas reçu le rite de la tonsure .
°jña- a. ingrat.
°pūrva- a. non encore fait.
°prajña- a. sot; -ka- id.
°buddhi- a. dont l'esprit n'est pas mûr.
°vaira- a. non insulté.
°vraṇa- m. n. d'un Brâhmane.
°saṃjña- a. non instruit.
akṛtāgas- a. qui n'a pas péché.
akṛtātman- a. dont l'esprit n'est pas formé.
akṛtārtha- a. non satisfait.
akṛtāstra- a. non exercé dans les armes.
akṛtāhnika- a. qui néglige les rites journaliers .