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    Yates Sanskrit-English Dictionary

    p. 909, col. 1.
    a-kāma (maḥ-mā-maṃ) a. Chaste.

    Goldstücker Sanskrit-English Dictionary

    p. 3, col. 2.
    akāma I. Tatpur. m. (-maḥ) Want of desire, love, intention &c.

    (See kāma.) E. a neg. and kāma.

    II. Bahuvr. m. f. n. (-maḥ-mā-mam) 1 One who has no

    desire, no love. (See kāma.) 2 Unwilling, reluctant. 3 Un-

    intentional. 4 (In vaid. grammar; m. sc. sandhi) The Sandhi

    which causes the visarjanīya (q. v.) to be dropped, after it

    has become r before a following r. E. a priv. and kāma.

    Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary (1st ed.)

    p. 2, col. 1.
    akāma a-kāma, as, ā, am, without desire

    or affection, without intention; unintentional, re-

    luctant; (in grammar) the Sandhi which causes the

    dropping of a final r before a succeeding r; (as), m.

    absence of desire or affection. —A-kāma-karśana,

    as, m., Ved. not disappointing desires. —Akāma-tas,

    ind. unintentionally, unwillingly. —Akāma-tā, f.

    freedom from desire or affection or intention. —A-

    kāma-hata, as, ā, am, not smitten with desire or

    affection; free from desire, calm.

    Apte Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary

    p. 3, col. 3.
    akāma a. [nāsti kāmo yasya]

    1 Free from desire, affection, love; akāmasya kriyā kāciddṛśyate neha karhicit Ms. 2. 4 every thing is an act of his will.

    2 Reluctant, unwilling; °māṃ kanyāṃ 4. 364; so nākāmo dātumarhati.

    3 (pb) Uninfluenced by, not subject to, love; bhayādakāmāpi hi dṛṣṭivibhramaṃ Ś. 1. 23.

    4 Unconscious, unintentional; akāmopanateneva sādhorhṛdayamenasā R. 10. 39 unconsciously committed.

    5 The Saṃdhi which causes the dropping of a final r before a following r.


    karśana a. Ved. not frustrating desires.

    hata a. not smitten with desire or affection, free from desire, calm.

    Cappeller Sanskrit-English Dictionary

    p. 1.
    akāmá a. free from love or desire, unwilling. involuntary; adv. akāma°tas, abstr. akāma°tā f.

    Macdonell Sanskrit-English Dictionary

    p. 1, col. 2.
    akāma a-kāmá, a. not desiring; unwilling,
    reluctant; not in love.

    Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary (2nd ed.)

    p. 2, col. 1.
    a-kāmá mf(ā)n. without desire or wish
    p. 2, col. 1.
    unintentional, reluctant
    p. 2, col. 1.
    (in Gr.) the Sandhi which causes the dropping of a final r before a succeeding r.

    Apte Enlarged Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary

    vol. 1, p. 4.
    akāma a. [nāsti kāmo yasya] 1 Free from desire, affection, love; akāmasya kriyā kācid dṛśyate neha karhicit Ms.2.4. everything is an act of his will. -2 Reluctant, unwilling; yo'kāmāṃ dūṣayetkanyāṃ sa sadyo vadhamarhati | Ms.8.364; also nākāmo dātumarhati. -3 Uninfluenced by, not subject to, love; bhayādakāmāpi hi dṛṣṭivibhramaṃ Ś.1.23. -4 Unconscious, unintentional; akāmopanateneva sādhorhṛdayamenasā R.10.39 unconsciously committed. -5 The Sandhi which causes the dropping of a final r before a following r. -Comp. -karśana a. Ved. not frustrating desire; śikṣānaraḥ pradivo akāmakarśanaḥ Rv.1.53.2. -hata a. not smitten with desire or affection, free from desire, calm.

    Burnouf Dictionnaire Sanscrit-Français

    p. 5, col. 2.
    akāma akāma a. sans amour, qui ne désire pas. qui ne veut pas, invitus.

    Le sandhi est nommé akāma, quand le visarga allonge la voyelle antécédente, tg.

    Stchoupak Dictionnaire Sanscrit-Français

    p. 2, col. 1.
    a-kāma- a. qui n'a pas de plaisir à; non épris; -in- id.; -aṃ -tas sans le vouloir; -tā- f. fait d'être sans désir.

    °hata- a. v. sans passion.

    Renou Terminologie grammaticale du Sanskrit

    vol. 3, p. 357.

    Böhtlingk and Roth Grosses Petersburger Wörterbuch

    vol. 1, p. 9.
    akāmá (3. a + kāma) adj. f. ā

    1) keine Lust, keine Liebe zu etwas habend: yābhyo (adbhyaḥ) vo māmakāmaṃ nayanti ŚAT. BR. 1, 2, 3, 1. akāmasya kriyā kāciddṛśyate neha karhicit M. 2, 4. yo 'kāmāṃ dūṣeyatkanyām 8, 364. tannākāmo dātumarhati 9, 208. 209. N. 20, 17.

    — 2) frei von Verlangen, leidenschaftslos AV. 10, 8, 44. (svayaṃbhūḥ); nicht verliebt: iyamadya śikṣate haṭhādakāmāpi hi dṛṣṭivibhramam ŚĀK. 23.

    — 3) unfreiwillig, willenlos: medâsvatā̀ yajâmānāḥ srùcājyā̂nì juhvâtaḥ . àkā̀mā vîśve vo devāḥ śikṣântò nopâ śekima .. AV. 6, 114, 3.

    — 4) mit Unlust verbunden: akāmānugati eine Einwilligung, die man ungern giebt (vielleicht ist hier akāma substantivisch zu fassen) H. 1540.

    — 5) so heisst der saṃdhi, wenn der rephin vor Vocalen und weichen Consonanten r wird, ṚV. PRĀTIŚ. 4, 9.

    vol. 5, p. 943.

    5) lies: wenn der rephin vor r ausfällt.

    Böhtlingk Sanskrit-Wörterbuch in kürzerer Fassung

    vol. 1, p. 2, col. 2.
    akāmá Adj. (f. ā)

    — 1) keine Neigung — , keine Liebe zu Etwas oder zu Jmd habend , nicht gern Etwas thuend 29,23. GAUT. 15,19.

    — 2) mit Unlust verbunden , unfreiwillig.

    — 3) Bez. eines best. Saṃdhi.

    Cappeller Sanskrit Wörterbuch

    p. 1, col. 2.
    akāmá unverliebt, unlustig.

    Bopp Glossarium Sanscritum

    p. 1, col. 2.
    akāma (BAH. ex a priv. et kāma) invitus. N. 20. 22.


    p. 39, col. 2.
    akāma tri0 na kāmayate kāmaṇiṅac . icchāśūnye
    nākāmo dātumarhatīti smṛtiḥ . kāmanāviṣayaphalānanu-
    sandhāyini . akāmo viṣṇukāmoveti smṛtiḥ smara-
    vikāraśūnye ca . bhayādakāmā'pihi dṛṣṭivibhramamiti
    śaku0 .