See also
Wilson Sanskrit-English Dictionary
p. 2.
akālaja mfn. (
-jaḥ-jā-jaṃ) Unseasonable, produced out of time or season; also
akālajāta, akālotpanna and similar compounds.
E. akāla with ja or jāta &c. born or produced.
Goldstücker Sanskrit-English Dictionary
p. 4, col. 1.
akālaja Tatpur. m. f. n. (
-jaḥ-jā-jam) Unseasonable, pro-
duced out of time or season; also akālajāta, akālotpanna
and similar compounds. E. akāla with ja or jāta &c.
Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary (2nd ed.)
p. 2, col. 2.
a-kāla—ja or a-kāla—jāta or akālotpanna, mfn. born at a wrong time, unseasonable.
Śabdasāgara Sanskrit-English Dictionary
p. 2, col. 2.
akālaja mfn. (-jaḥ-jā-jaṃ) Unseasonable, produced out of time or
season; also akālajāta, akālotpanna and similar compounds.
E. akāla
with ja or jāta &c. born or produced.