akālaa-kāla, as, m. a wrong or bad or inauspicious time; (as, ā, am), unseasonable. —A-kāla-kuṣmāṇḍa, as, m. a pumpkin produced out of season; a useless birth. —Akāla-kusuma, am, n. a flower blossoming out of season. —Akāla-ja or akāla-jāta or a-kālotpanna (°la-ut°), as, ā, am, born or produced at a wrong time, unseasonable. —Akāla-jaladodaya (°da-ud°) or akāla-megho-daya (°gha-ud°), as, m. unseasonable rise or clouds; a mist. —Akāla-velā, f. unseasonable or unusual time. —Akāla-saha, as, ā, am, unable to bide one's time.
akālaa. [nāsti ucitaḥ kālo yasya] 1 Untimely, premature, inopportune, unseasonable, out of season; na prajāsu °mṛtyuścarati U. 2, R. 15. 44; °mṛtyu (pb) haraṇaṃ… auṣadhaṃ jāhnavītoyaṃ; °vātāvalī Ratn. 3. 2 [na kāṃlaḥ] Not black, white. —laḥ [na. ta.] Wrong, inauspicious or unseasonable time, not the proper time (for any thing); °laḥsvabalapradhānavirodhasya Ve. 3; °laḥ kulajanasyanivartituṃ Mu. 7; akāle bodhito bhrātā R. 12. 81 at an improper time; atyārūḍho hi nārīṇāmakālajño manobhavaḥ 12. 33 takes no account of proper or improper time; akāle vīkṣitoviṣṇurhaṃti puṇyaṃ purākṛtaṃ; nākāle mriyate kāścitprāpte kāle na jīvati; nākāle mriyate jaṃtuḥ H. 1. 17 does not die a premature death; kāle prāptastvakāle vānāsyānaśnan gṛhe vaset Ms. 3. 105 in season or out of season. Comp.—kusumaṃ, —puṣpaṃ a flower blossoming out of season; °kusumānīva bhayaṃ saṃjanayaṃti hi H. 3. 23, a bad omen boding some evil. —kūṣmāṃḍaḥ a pumpkin produced out of season; (fig.) useless birth. —ja, —utpanna, jātaa. produced out of season, premature; unseasonable. —jaladaḥ an untimely cloud; N. of the great-grandfather of the poet Rājaśekhara. —jaladodayaḥ, —meghodayaḥ 1 an unseasonable rise or gathering of clouds; bālātapamivābjānāmakālajaladodayaḥ R. 4. 61. 2 mist or fog. —velā unseasonable or improper time. —sahaa. 1 not enduring delay or loss of time, impatient, not biding one's time. 2 not able to hold out (for a long time), unable to stand a protracted siege (as a durga) H. 3. 137.
akālaa. [nāsti ucitaḥ kālo yasya] 1 Untimely, premature, inopportune, unseasonable, out of season; na prajāsu ˚mṛtyuścarati U.2; na hyakālabhavo mṛtyurikṣvākupadamaspṛśat || R.15.44; akālamṛtyuharaṇaṃ sarvavyādhivināśanam | sūryapādodakaṃ tīryaṃ jaṭhare dhārayā- myaham || (sūryanamaskārasaṃkalpaḥ); ˚bātāvalī Ratn.3. -2 [na kālaḥ] Not black, white. -laḥ [na. ta.] Wrong, inauspicious or unseasonable time, not the proper time (for anything); unholy time in a year calculated and shown in Indian almanacs. ˚laḥ svabalapradhānavirodhasya Ve.3; ˚laḥ kulajanasya nivartituṃ Mu.7; akāle bodhito bhrātā R.12.81 (at an improper time); atyārūḍho hi nārīṇāmakālajño manobhavaḥ 12.33 takes no account of proper or improper time; akāle vīkṣito viṣṇurhanti puṇyaṃ purākṛtam; nākāle mriyate kaścit prāpte kāle na jīvati; nākāle mriyate jantuḥ H.1.17 does not die a premature death; kāle prāptastvakāle vā nāsyānaśnan gṛhe vaset Ms.3.105 in time or late. -Comp. -kusumam, -puṣpam a flower blossoming out of season; ˚kusumānīva bhayaṃ saṃjanayanti hi H.3.23, (a bad omen boding some evil.) -kūṣmāṇḍaḥ a pumpkin produced out of season; (fig.) of a useless birth. -ja, -utpanna, -jātaa. produced out of season; premature; unseasonable. -jaladaḥ 1 an untimely cloud. 2 N. of the great-grandfather of the poet Rājaśekhara. -jaladodayaḥ, -meghodayaḥ 1 an unseasonable rise or gathering of clouds; bālātapamivābjānāmakālajaladodayaḥ R.4.61. -2 mist or fog. -jña a. taking no account of proper or improper time; atyārūḍho hi nārīṇāmakālajño manobhavaḥ R.12.33. -velā unseasonable or improper time. -sahaa.1 not enduring delay or loss of time, impatient, not biding one's time. --2 not able to hold out (for a long time), unable to stand a protracted siege (as a durga); H.3.137.
akāla (3. a + kāla) m. Unzeit, ungewöhnliche Zeit: akālakaumudīein Fest ausser der Zeit SUND. 2, 31. akālezur Unzeit, ausser der Zeit M. 3, 105. 7, 164. 8, 400. N. 11, 7. ŚĀK. 91, 14. RAGH. 12, 81.