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    See also antya, antyaḥ.

    Apte Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary

    p. 95, col. 3.
    aṃtya a. [aṃte bhavati vasati &c, aṃtāya hitaḥ; aṃta-yat]

    1 Last, final (as a letter, word &c.); last (in time, order or place) P. I. 1. 47; as ha of letters, Revatī of asterisms, Mīna of the zodiacal signs &c.; aṃtye vayasi in old age R. 9. 79; aṃtyaṃ ṛṇaṃ R. 1. 71 last debt; °maṃḍanaṃ 8. 71, Ku. 4. 22.

    2 Immediately following (in comp.); aṣṭama° ninth.

    3 Lowest (in rank, degree or position), undermost, worst, inferior, base, vile, wretched; °avasthāṃ gataḥ Pt. 4. 110 reduced to the worst plight; aṃtyāsu daśāsu Pt. 1. 336 at perilous (critical) times; belonging to the lowest caste; caṃḍāla° striyaḥ Ms. 11. 176; °strīniṣeviṇaḥ 12. 59; aṃtyādapi varaṃ ratnaṃ strīratnaṃ duṣkulādapi; śūdrāśca saṃtaḥ śūdrāṇāmaṃtyānāmaṃtyayonayaḥ (sākṣyaṃ kuryuḥ) 8. 68, 3. 9; 4. 79; Y. 1. 148, 2. 294.


    1 A man of the lowest caste; see above.

    2 N. of a plant (mustā) (f. also) (the roots of which are prescribed for colic).

    3 The last syllable of a word.

    4 The last lunar month i. e. Fālguna.

    5 A Mleccha, foreigner, barbarian.

    6 (In Vaiśeshika phil.) A name for the category viśeṣa; aṃtyo nityadravyavṛttirviśeṣaḥ parikīrtitaḥ . Bhāṣā P.


    1 A technical name for trijyā in astronomy.

    2 A woman of the lowest tribe.


    1 A measure of number; 1000 billions (1000,000,000,000,000.)

    2 The 12th sign of the zodiac.

    3 The last member or term of a progression (series), the last figure; sthāpyoṃtavargo dviguṇāṃtyanighnaḥ Līlā.

    Comp. (pb)

    anuprāsaḥ see under anuprāsa.

    avasāyin m. f. (°yī, °yinī) a man or woman of the lowest caste, begotten by a Chāṇḍāla on a Niṣādī woman; niṣādastrī tu cāṃḍālātputramaṃtyāvasāyinam . smaśānagocaraṃ sūte bāhyānāmapi garhitaṃ .. Ms. 10. 39; the following

    7 are regarded as belonging to this class; cāṃḍālaḥ śvapacaḥ kṣattā sūto vaidehakastathā . māgadhāyogavau caiva saptaiteṃ'tyāvasāyinaḥ ...

    āśramin m. one who belongs to the last or mendicant order.

    āhutiḥ, iṣṭiḥ f.

    karman, kriyā last or funeral oblations, sacrifices or rites; °karma Ms. 11. 198, 5. 168; aṃtyāhutiṃ hāvayituṃ saviprāḥ Bk.

    ṛṇaṃ the last of the three debts which every one has to pay, i. e. begetting children; see anṛṇa.

    gamanaṃ intercourse by a woman of the higher caste with a man of the lowest caste.

    ja a. latest born, younger, belonging to the lowest caste; °jairnṛbhiḥ Ms. 4. 61; °strī 8. 385. (


    1 a Śūdra ( aṃtyaḥ san jāyate, varṇamadhye śeṣabhavatvāt).

    2 one of the 7 inferior tribes; chāṇḍāla &c.; rajakaścarmakāraśca naṭo varuḍa eva ca . kaivartamedabhillāśca saptaite cāṃtyajāḥ smṛtāḥ .. Yama; also Ms. 8. 279; Y. 1. 273. (

    ) a woman of the lowest caste; Ms. 11. 59, 171; Y. 3. 231.

    janman, jāti,

    jātīya a.

    1 one belonging to the lowest caste; pratigrahastu kriyate śūdrādapyaṃtyajanmanaḥ Ms. 10. 110.

    2 a Śūdra; °titā Ms. 12. 9.

    3 a chāṇḍāla.

    dhanaṃ the last term of a progression or series.

    padaṃmūlaṃ the last or greatest root (in a square).


    1 the last lunar mansion revatī.

    2 the last sign of the zodiac; Pisces.

    yugaṃ the last or Kali age.

    yoni a. of the lowest origin; Ms. 8. 68. (

    niḥ) the lowest source or origin

    lopaḥ dropping of the last letter or syllable of a word.

    varṇaḥ, varṇā a man or woman of the lowest caste, a Śūdra male or female.

    vipulā N. of a metre.