aṃtraṃ [aṃtyate badhyate deho'nena, aṃtkaraṇe ṣṭran; according to Uṇ. 4. 163 am ktraṃ] An entrail, intestine; aṃtrabhedanaṃkriyate praśrayaśca Mv. 3 the vitals of the heart are rent (marmabhidaḥ vācaḥ ucyaṃteityarthaḥ). —trī N. of a plant (used against colic or wind in the stomach; cf. ajāṃtrī, chagalāṃtrī). Comp.—ādaḥ a worm in the intestines. —kūjaḥ. kūjanaṃ, vikūjanaṃ the rumbling noise (pb) in the bowels; pakvāśayasthoṃtrakūjaṃ śūlaṃnābhau karoti vā Suśr. —pācaka [aṃtrasthaṃdoṣaṃ pācayati] N. of a medicinal plant Æschynomene Grandiflora. —māṃsaṃ a kind of roasted flesh. —vṛddhiḥf. inguinal hernia, rupture, swelling of the scrotum. —śilā N. of a river rising from the Vindhya mountain. —srajf. a garland of intestines (worn by nṛsiṃha).