aṃteind. (loc. of aṃta; oft. used adverbially) 1 In the end, at last, at length, lastly, finally. 2 Inside. 3 In the presence of, near, close by. Comp.—vāsaḥ 1 a neighbour; companion; tava vā imeṃ'tevāsāstvamevaibhiḥsaṃpibasva Ait. Br. 2 a pupil; rutāniśṛṇvanvayasāṃ gaṇoṃ'tevāsitvamāpa sphuṭamaṃganānāṃ Śi. 3. 55; Ve. 3. 7. —vāsiind. in a state of pupilage, (in statu pupilari). —vāsin = aṃtavāsin q. v. above.