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    See also añjali, añjaliḥ.

    Apte Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary

    p. 27, col. 1.
    aṃjaliḥ [aṃj-ali Uṇ. 4. 2]

    1 A cavity formed by folding and joining the open hands together, the hollow of the hands; hence, a cavity-ful of anything (changed to aṃjala or °li after dvi and tri in dvigu comp., P. V. 4. 102); na vāryaṃjalinā pibet Ms. 4. 63; supūro mūṣikāṃjaṃliḥ Pt. 1. 25; araṇyabījāṃjalidānalālitāḥ Ku. 5. 15; prakīrṇaḥ puṣpāṇāṃ haricaraṇayoraṃjāleraṃyaṃ Ve. 1. 1 a cavityful of flowers; so jalasyāṃjalayo daśa Y. 3. 105 10 cavity-fuls or libations of water; śravaṇāṃjalipuṭapeyaṃ Ve. 1. 4 to be drunk by the cavity of the ear; aṃjaliṃ rac, baṃdh, kṛ or ādhā fold the hands together and raise them to the head in supplication or salutation; baddhaḥ kātaryādaraviṃdakuḍmalanibho mugdhaḥ praṇāmāṃjaliḥ U. 3. 37.

    2 Hence a mark of respect or salutation; kaḥ śakreṇa kṛtaṃ necchedadhimūrdhānamaṃjalim Bk. 8. 84; badhyatāmabhayayācanāṃjaliḥ R. 11. 78.

    3 A measure of corn = kuḍava; another measure = prasṛta, or one-half of a mānikā.


    karman n. folding the hands, respectful salutation; lubdhamarthena gṛhṇīyāt kruddhaṃ cāṃjalikarmaṇā Chāṇ. 33.


    1 an earthen doll making the aṃjali (?).

    2 N. of a plant, Mimosa Pudica (lajjālu).

    puṭaḥ-ṭaṃ the cavity formed by joining the hands together; hollowed palms of the hand.