aṃj 7 P. (rarely A.) (anakti or aṃkte, ānaṃja, aṃjiṣyati-aṃkṣyati, aṃjitvā-aṃktvā-aktvā, aṃjituṃ, aṃktuṃ, akta) 1 To anoint, smear with, bedaub. 2 To make clear, show, represent, characterize; mānāṃjī rākṣasīrmāyāḥ Bk. 9. 49 3 To go. 4 To shine, be beautiful. 5 To honour, celebrate. 6 To decorate. — Caus.1 To smear with, nāṃjayaṃtīṃ svake netre Ms. 4. 44. 2 To speak or shine. 3 To cause to go. [cf. Zend anj; L. unctum, ungo.] With adhi to fit out, equip, furnish. —ā 1 to anoint, smear. 2 to smooth, polish, prepare. 3 to honour, respect. —ni 1 to smear. 2 to conceal or hide oneself. —prati 1 to smear. 2 to adorn, decorate. —saṃ 1 to smear. 2 to fit out, equip, harness. 3 to honour. 4 to join together, to consume, devour; to adorn, decorate, beautify (mostly Ved. in these senses). 5 to unite, to put together, compose.