aṃgāraḥ raṃ [aṃg-āran Uṇ. 3. 134] 1 Charcoal (whether heated or not); ghṛtakuṃbhasamā nārī taptāṃgārasamaḥpumān; uṣṇo dahati cāṃgāraḥ śītaḥkṛṣṇāyate karaṃ H. 1. 80; tvayā svahastenāṃgārāḥkarṣitāḥ Pt. 1 you have ruined yourself with your own hands; cf. “to dig a mine under one's feet”; kurukulāṃgāra Ve. 6 destroyer or pest of the Kuru family. 2 The planet Mars. 3 A plant hitāvalī, °kuṣṭakaḥhitāvalī. 4 N. of a prince who fought with king Māndhātṛ. —raa. Red, of a red colour. —raṃ Red colour. Comp.—avakṣepaṇaṃ [aṃgārā avakṣipyaṃte anena karaṇelyuṭ] a vessel to throw or extinguish coals. —kārina. [aṃgāraṃ karotikṛṇini] one who prepares coal for sale. —kuṣṭhakaḥ [aṃgāravarṇaṃ kuṣṭhamiva-kan] N. of a plant hitāvalī. —dhānī [aṃgārādhīyaṃte asyāṃ; dhā-ādhāre lyuṭ ṅīp], —dhānikā [svārthe kan] a portable fire-pan, brazier. —paripācitaṃ [tṛ. ta.] roasted food or meat. —parṇaṃ [aṃgāramiva parṇaṃ yasya] N. of a grove or forest. (—rṇaḥ) [astyarthe (pb) ac] N. of Citraratha, king of the Gandharvas. [On one occasion, while he was sporting with his wife, he saw Kuntī with her five sons proceeding to the capital of Pāñcāla in disguise. He accosted them and asked them to tell him where they were going, or to fight. Arjuna accepted the challenge; but Aṅgāraparṇa finding Arjuna to be a very skilful warrior gave him a secret lore called chākshushī (enabling one to see the smallest things) and took from him in return a lore called Agniśirāstra and became a friend of the Pāṇḍavas.] —pātrī śakaṭī a portable fire-pan. —puṣpaḥ [aṃgāramiva lohitavarṇaṃ puṣpaṃ yasya saḥ] the plant iṃgudī. —maṃjarī, maṃjī [aṃgārāraktavarṇā maṃjarī yasyāḥ] a shrub Cesalpinia Banducella (raktakaraṃjavṛkṣa). —vallarī, vallī [aṃgārā iva raktaphalatvāt raktā] N. of various plants, karaṃja, bhārgī, guṃjā. —veṇuḥ [karma,] a sort of bamboo.