aṃbaraṃ [aṃbaḥ śabdaḥ taṃ rāti dhatte, rā-ka] 1 Sky, atmosphere, ether; tāvatarjayadaṃbare R. 12. 41. 2 Cloth, garment, clothing, apparel, dress; divyamālyāṃbaradharaṃ Bg. 11. 11; R. 3. 9; digaṃbara; sāgarāṃbarā mahī the sea-girt earth. 3 Saffron. 4 Talc. 5 A kind of perfume (Ambergris). 6 Cotton. 7 N. of a people. 8 Circumference, compass. 9 Neighbourhood, surrounding country (Nir.). 10 Lip. 11 Evil, sin. 12 Destroyer of elephants (nāgabhid Trik.) Comp.—aṃtaḥ 1 the end of a garment. 2 the horizon. —okasm. dwelling in heaven, a god; (bhasmarajaḥ) vilipyate maulibhiraṃbaraukasāṃ Ku. 5. 79. —gaa. sky-going. —daṃ cotton. —maṇiḥ the sun. —yugaṃ two principal garments used by men; upper and lower. —lekhina. sky-touching; R. 13. 26. —śailaḥ a high mountain touching the sky. —sthalī the earth.