aṃbarīṣaṃ [In some senses aṃbarīṣaḥ also; °ṣaḥ only by Uṇ. 4. 29; klībeṃ'barīṣaṃ bhrāṣṭro nā Ak.] 1 A frying-pan. 2 Regret, remorse. 3 War, battle. 4 One of the hells. 5 A young animal, colt. 6 The sun. 7 The hog-plum plant (āmrātaka). 8 N. of Viṣṇu. 9 N. of Śiva. 10 N. of a king of the solar race who was celebrated as a worshipper of Viṣṇu.