aṃśuḥ [aṃś-mṛga° ku.] 1 A ray, beam of light; caṃḍa°, gharma° hot-rayed, the sun; sūryāṃśubhirbhinnamivāraviṃdaṃ Ku. 1. 32; lustre, brilliance; ratna°, nakha° &c. 2 A point or end. 3 A small or minute particle. 4 End of a thread. 5 A filament, especially of the Soma plant (Ved.) 6 Garment; decoration. 7 N. of a sage or of a prince. 8 Speed, velocity (vega). Comp.—jālaṃ a collection of rays, a blaze or halo of light. —dharaḥ, —patiḥ bhṛt, bāṇaḥ bhartṛ. —svāmī the sun, (bearer of rays or lord of rays). —padṛṃ a kind of silken cloth (aṃśunā sūkṣmasūtreṇa yuktaṃ paṭṭaṃ) Y. 1. 186, Ms. 5. 120. —mālā a garland of light, halo. —mālinm. [aṃśavaḥmāleva, tataḥ astyarthe ini] 1 the sun (wreathed with, surrounded by, rays). 2 the number twelve. 3 having a collection of rays. —hastaḥ [aṃśuḥ hasta iva yasya] the sun (who draws up water from the earth by (pb) means of his 1000 hands in the form of rays).
aṃśuḥ [aṃś-mṛga˚ ku.] 1 A ray, beam of light; caṇḍa˚, gharmaṃ˚ hot-rayed the sun; sūryāṃśubhirbhinnamivāravindam Ku.1.32; Iustre, brilliance caṇḍāṃśukiraṇābhāśca hārāḥ Rām.5.9.48; Śi.1.9. ratna˚, nakha˚ &c. -2 A point or end. -3 A small or minute particle. -4 End of a thread. -5 A filament, especially of the Soma plant (Ved.) -6 Garment; decoration. -7 N. of a sage or of a prince. -8 Speed, velocity (vega). -9 Fine thread -Comp. -udakam dew-water. -jālam a collection of rays, a blaze or halo of light. -dharaḥ -patiḥ -bhṛt-bāṇaḥ -bhartṛ-svāmin the sun, (bearer or lord of rays). -paṭṭam a kind of silken cloth (aṃśunā sūkṣmasūtreṇayuktaṃ paṭṭam); saśrīphalairaṃśupaṭṭam Y.1.186; śrīphalairaṃśupaṭṭānāṃ Ms.5.120. -mālā a garland of light, halo. -mālinm. [aṃśavo māleva, tataḥ astyarthe ini] 1 the sun (wreathed with, surrounded by, rays). -2 the number twelve. -hastaḥ [aṃśuḥ hasta iva yasya] the sun (who draws up water from the earth by means of his 1000 hands in the form of rays).