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    See also aṃśuḥ.

    Wilson Sanskrit-English Dictionary

    p. 1.
    aṃśu m. (-śuḥ)

    1 A ray of light, a sun-beam.

    2 Light, splendor, effulgence.

    3 Dress, decoration.

    4 A small filament or end of thread.

    5 The sun.

    6 A minute particle or atom.

    E. aṃśa to divide, ku aff.

    Yates Sanskrit-English Dictionary

    p. 1, col. 2.
    aṃśu (śuḥ) 2. m. A ray of light;
    light; dress; an atom.

    Goldstücker Sanskrit-English Dictionary

    p. 1, col. 2.
    aṃśu m. (-śuḥ) 1 A ray of light, a sun- or moon-beam. 2 The

    sun. 3 Light, splendour, effulgence. 4 Any thing minute or

    pointed (as a sun-beam). 5 A small end of thread, a small

    filament &c. 6 Dress, decoration. 7 The name of one of the

    Grahas (q. v.) which serve for making libations with the

    juice of the Soma plant. 8 The name of a Rishi. 9 The name

    of a prince, son of Puruhotra. E. aṃś, uṇ. aff. ku, or am,

    uṇ. aff. ku, āgama śuk.

    Benfey Sanskrit-English Dictionary

    p. 1, col. 1.
    aṃśu aṃśu (cf. śo), m. A ray of light,

    a sunbeam. Comp. Gharma-, m.

    the sun. Tigma-, m. the sun. Tī-

    kṣṇa-, I. adj. having hot beams. II.

    m. 1. the sun. 2. fire. Daśana-, m.

    the brightness of the teeth. Divya-, m.

    the sun. Dīpta-, m. the sun. Prā-

    leya-, m. the moon. Sahasra-, m. the

    sun. Sudhā-, m. 1. the moon. 2.

    camphor. Haṃsa-, adj. white. Hi-

    ma-, m. 1. the moon. 2. camphor


    Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary (1st ed.)

    p. 1, col. 1.
    Aṃśu, us, m. a filament, especially of the Soma

    plant; end of a thread; a minute particle; a point or

    end; a garment, decoration; a ray, light, the sun; N.

    of a Ṛṣi or of a prince. —Aṃśu-jāla, am, n. a collec-

    tion of rays, a blaze of light. —Aṃśu-dhara, as, m. the

    bearer of rays, the sun. —Aṃśu-paṭṭa, am, n. a kind

    of cloth. —Aṃśu-pati, is, or -bhartṛ, tā, m. the

    lord of rays, the sun. —Aṃśu-mat, ān, atī, at, fibrous,

    rich in filaments; radiant, luminous; pointed; (ān),

    m. the sun, the moon; N. of various persons, especially

    of a prince of the solar race, son of A-samañjas, grand-

    son of Sagara; (), f. the celestial river Yamunā; a

    plant, Hedysarum Gangeticum. —Aṃśumati-phalā, f.

    a plant, Musa Paradisiaca. —Aṃśu-mālā, f. a garland

    of light, halo. —Aṃśu-mālin, ī, m. the sun. —Aṃśu-

    vāṇa, as, m. having rays for arrows, the sun. —Aṃśu-

    hasta, as, m. having rays in his hand, the sun.

    Lanman’s Sanskrit Reader Vocabulary

    p. 111, col. 1.
    aṃśú, m. juicy internodium or shoot of the Soma-plant; and so, shooting ray (of light).

    Cappeller Sanskrit-English Dictionary

    p. 1.
    aṃśú m. stem or juice of the Soma plant; ray of light.

    Macdonell Sanskrit-English Dictionary

    p. 1, col. 1.
    aṃśu aṃśú, m. Soma plant, — juice; ray; stalk.

    Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary (2nd ed.)

    p. 1, col. 1.
    aṃśú m. a filament (especially of the Soma plant)
    p. 1, col. 1.
    a kind of Soma libation, ŚBr.
    p. 1, col. 1.
    p. 1, col. 2.
    end of a thread, a minute particle
    p. 1, col. 2.
    a point, end
    p. 1, col. 2.
    a ray, sunbeam
    p. 1, col. 2.
    cloth, L.
    p. 1, col. 2.
    N. of a Ṛṣi, RV. viii, 5, 26
    p. 1, col. 2.
    of an ancient Vedic teacher, son of a Dhanaṃjaya, VBr.
    p. 1, col. 2.
    of a prince.

    Śabdasāgara Sanskrit-English Dictionary

    p. 1, col. 2.

    m. (-śuḥ)

    1. A ray of light, a sun-beam.

    2. Light, splendor,

    3. Dress, decoration.

    4. A small filament or end
    of thread.

    5. The sun.

    6. A minute particle or atom.

    E. aṃśa
    to divide, ku aff.

    Burnouf Dictionnaire Sanscrit-Français

    p. 66, col. 1.
    aṃśu aṃśu m. (aṃś) morceau, petite portion;

    bout de fil.

    Rayon de lumière;



    éclat, ornement, parure.

    Stchoupak Dictionnaire Sanscrit-Français

    p. 1, col. 1.
    aṃśu- m. rayon; -ka- nt. pièce d'étoffe, d'habillement, not. jupe; linge, mousseline.

    °paṭṭa- nt. sorte d'étoffe de soie.

    °bhartṛ- °mālin- m. soleil.

    aṃśukānta- m. frange (d'une étoffe).

    Böhtlingk and Roth Grosses Petersburger Wörterbuch

    vol. 1, p. 4.
    aṃśú m.

    1) Faser, Schoss, Stengel (der Somapflanze) ṚV. 1, 46, 10. 91, 17. 125, 3. 7, 98, 1. 8, 61, 2. 9, 62, 4. 67, 28. 68, 4. 74, 5. VS. 5, 7. 20, 27. AV. 6, 49, 2. 11, 1, 9.

    — 2) Strahl AK. 1, 1, 2, 34. H. 99. MED. ś. 1. R. 1, 7, 17. somasūryāṃśu YĀJÑ. 1, 194. Sonnenstrahl H. an. 2, 542 (kiraṇe caṇḍadīdhiteḥ).

    — 3) Glanz MED. ś. 1.

    — 4) Sonne H. 95. VIŚVA im ŚKDR.

    — 5) kleines Stückchen Faden u. s. w. (sūtrādisūkṣmāṃśe) H. an. 2, 542. geringfügiges Ding, Bischen VIŚVA im ŚKDR.

    — 6) Kleidung DHAR. im ŚKDR.; vgl. aṃśuka und aṃśupaṭṭa .

    — 7) Nom. pr.

    a) eines Ṛṣi, ṚV. 8, 5, 26.

    — b) eines Fürsten VP. 423.

    vol. 5, p. 941.
    aṃśu 7) mit dem patron. Dhānaṃjayya Ind. St. 4, 373.
    vol. 7, p. 1685.

    2) SŪRYAS. 7, 19. 11, 3.

    — Vgl. sumadaṃśu .

    Grassmann Wörterbuch zum Rig Veda

    p. 1.
    aṃśú, m., Name der Pflanze, aus welcher der Soma gepresst wurde. Sie wird häufig mit der Kuh verglichen, aus welcher der Somasaft herausgemolken wird (so {397,4}; {137,3}; {629,19}; {819,12}; {204,1}; {282,2}; {920,8} u. s. w.). Dann aber wird der Name auch beibehalten, um den herausgepressten Saft (dugdhás aṃśús {270,6}; {390,1}; {614,1}) zu bezeichnen. Einmal ({625,26}) erscheint er auch als Eigenname eines Sängers. Von der spätern Bedeutung: Sonne, Sonnenglanz, Sonnenstrahl zeigt sich nur in sumád-aṃśu ({100,16}) eine Spur. Also: 1) Somapflanze, 2) der aus ihr gepresste Somasaft, 3) Eigenname eines Sängers. Zwischen 1) und 2) finden mannichfache Uebergänge statt; ja strenggenommen ist bei der zweiten stets die erste als Grundbedeutung festzuhalten und im Bewusstsein der Dichter lebendig. Vgl. die Beiwörter madirá, mádhumat, tigmá, sutá, vṛ́ṣan, ukṣán und die Genetiven mádhvas, mádhunas, sómasya.

    -ús 1) {397,4}; {780,4}; {786,2}; {803,3}. 2) {270,6}; {318,8}; {774,4}; {786,5}; {801,6}; {804,1}; {843,12. 13}; {920,10}.

    -úm 1) {137,3}; {270,7}; {322,6}; {780,6}; {784,6}; {807,4}. 2) {390,1}; {458,11}; {461,6}; {614,1}; {681,2}; {798,46}; {809,14}; {939,2}; {975,5}. 3) {625,26}.

    -únā 1) {354,1}.

    -áve 1) {46,10}.

    -ós 1) sutám {125,3}; pīyū́sam {204,2}; {282,2}; {920,8}; ándhas {297,19}; páyasā {819,12}. — 2) ūrmím {808,8}; pibanti {321,3}.

    -ávas 1) {629,19}; {1022,4}.

    -úbhis 2) {91,17}; {727,5}; {779,28}.

    Böhtlingk Sanskrit-Wörterbuch in kürzerer Fassung

    vol. 1, p. 1, col. 2.
    aṃśú m.

    — 1) Soma-Stengel (KĀTY. ŚR. 9,4,20) und Soma-Saft.

    — 2) Strahl 93,5. 102,13. 170,27.

    — 3) N.pr. eines Mannes.

    Cappeller Sanskrit Wörterbuch

    p. 1, col. 1.
    aṃśú m. Somapflanze u. -saft; Strahl.

    Schmidt Nachträge zum Sanskrit-Wörterbuch

    p. 1, col. 1.
    aṃśu 1. auch eine best. Soma-Libation, Śat. Br. 4, 1, 1, 2. 6, 1, 1 ff. aṃśuvat Adv. Kāty. Śr. 12, 5, 19; 15, 8. 22. aṃśucamasa m. 22, 8, 23.

    — 4. Faden, Caraka 4, 1.

    Bopp Glossarium Sanscritum

    p. 1, col. 1.
    aṃśu m. (r. aṃś s. u) radius.

    Abhidhānaratnamālā of Halāyudha

    p. 6.
    ādityaḥ savitā sahasrakiraṇaḥ pradyotano bhāskara-
    stigmāṃśustaraṇistathā dinamaṇirbhāsvānvivasvānhariḥ .
    mārtaṇḍastapano vikartana inaḥ pūṣā pataṅgo bhagaḥ,
    sūryo gopatiraryamā dinakaraḥ sūroṃ'śumālī raviḥ .. 35 ..
    mihiro virocano'rkastimiraripurdyumaṇiraṃśumānaṃśuḥ .
    haridaśvaḥ saptāśvaḥ prabhākaro bhānumānbhānuḥ .. 36 ..
    bradhno haṃsaḥ khago mitraścitrabhānuraharpatiḥ .
    karmasākṣī jagaccakṣurdvādaśātmā trayītanuḥ .. 37 ..
    p. 6.
    rociḥ śocirabhīśuḥ pradyotagabhastiraśmighṛṇikiraṇāḥ .
    rucirugdīdhitidīptidyutiprabhābhāvibhābhāsaḥ .. 38 ..
    usradhāmavasuketumarīcipragrahopadhṛtivṛṣṇimayūkhāḥ .
    aṃśubhānukarapādavirokā gāva ityabhihitāstu samānāḥ .. 39 ..


    p. 36, col. 1.
    aṃśu pu0 aṃśamṛga0 ku . kiraṇe sūtre sūkṣmāṃśe prakāśe
    prabhāyāṃ vege ca aṃśavo'tra patitā raveḥ kimu? ityudbhaṭaḥ
    sūryyāṃśubhirbhinnamivāravindamiti kumā0 . tatra svapara-
    prakāśakasya tejaḥpadārthasya samantāt prasṛtaḥ sparśayogyaḥ
    kiñcinniviḍaḥ sūkṣmāṃśaviśeṣaḥ kiraṇaḥ, sa ca prāyaśaḥ
    sūryyasya, tasya tejasā pradīptacandrādeśca . tadapekṣayā alpa-
    sthānaprasārī kiñcidviralaḥ sparśāyogyaḥ tejaḥsūkṣmāṃśaḥ
    prabhā, sā ca ratnādivastunaḥ . candrādestu anyāpekṣayā'dhika-
    prasṛtatvāt kiraṇasambhavaḥ ataeva tatra śītāṃśuḥ sitakiraṇa
    ityādiprayogaḥ . sparśayogyaḥ tejaḥpadārthasya kiraṇādapi
    nibiḍaḥ sūkṣmāṃśaḥ ātapaḥ, kiraṇāpekṣayā ativirala-
    prasārī sparśāyogyaḥ paraprakāśasādhanamatisūkṣmāṃśaviśeṣaḥ
    ālokaḥ . prabhāyām āloke vā na sparśo'nubhūyate .
    tatra aṃśuśabdasya kiraṇavācitve sahasrāṃśuḥ uṣṇāṃśuḥ
    śītāṃśurityādayaḥ . prabhāparatve ratnāṃśuḥ nakhāṃśurityā-
    dayaḥ . ajasramāśrāvitavallakīguṇakṣatojjvalāṅguṣṭhanakhāṃśu-
    bhinnayeti dvijāvalībālaniśākarāṃśubhiriti ca
    māghaḥ . sūtrāṃśaparatve aṃśukaṃ paṭṭāṃśukaṃ cīnāṃ-
    śukamityādayaḥ . prakāśaparatve upāṃśu upahṛtaprakāśa-
    tvāccāsya guptatvaṃ pratīyate taccārthikam . sūkṣmavibhāgaparatve
    prāṃśuḥ pronnatāvayavatvā ccāsya dīrghatvaṃ pratīyate taccā-
    rthikam iti .

    Index to the Names in the Mahābhārata

    p. 34, col. 2.
    Aṃśu = Śiva (1000 names2).

    Caland & Henry Termes techniques de l’Agniṣṭoma

    p. XXIII.

    The Vedic Index of Names and Subjects

    vol. 1, p. 1.
    Aṃśu. — I. Name of a protégé of the Aśvins in the Rigveda.1

    2. Dhānaṃjayya, pupil of Amāvāsya Śāṇḍilyāyana, according

    to the Vaṃśa Brāhmaṇa.2 [Footnote] 1) viii. 5, 26. Cf. Ludwig, Transla-

    tion of the Rigveda, 3, 160; Hopkins,

    Journal of the American Oriental Society,

    17, 89; Sieg, Die Sagenstoffe des Ṛgveda,

    129, suggests that he may be identical

    with Khela. [Footnote] 2) Indische Studien, 4, 373.

    The Purāṇa Index

    vol. 1, p. 92.
    Aṃśu (I) — a playmate of Krṣṇa.

    Bhā. X. 22. 31.
    vol. 1, p. 92.
    Aṃśu (II) — the name of the sun in the month of Saha

    (Mārgaśīrṣa).1 the Āditya of the month Citra, possessing

    7000 rays.2 An Āditya.3 [Footnote] 1) Bhā. XII. 11. 41. [Footnote] 2) Br. II. 24. 34 and 38. [Footnote] 3) Br. III. 3. 67;

    Vi. I. 15. 131.
    vol. 1, p. 92.
    Aṃśu (III) — one of the ten devas of the Harita gaṇa.

    Vā. 100. 89.
    vol. 1, p. 92.
    Aṃśu (IV) — The son of Purumitra and father of Sat-


    Vi. IV. 12. 43.

    Edgerton Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Dictionary

    p. 1, col. 1.
    aṃśu (= Skt. aṃśuka), cloth, or garment (less prob-

    ably thread, a meaning recorded for Skt. aṃśu and for

    Pali aṃsu): -kāśikāṃśu-kṣomakādyāḥ Divy 316.27.

    Renou Vocabulaire du rituel védique

    p. 1.