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    Apte Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary

    p. 16, col. 3.
    aṃkaḥ [aṃk kartari karaṇe vā ac]

    1 The lap (n. also); aṃkādyayāvaṃkamudīritāśīḥ Ku. 7. 5 passed from lap to lap.

    2 A mark, sign; alaktakāṃkāṃ padavīṃ tatāna R. 7. 9; padapaṃktiralaktāṃkā (pb) Rām.; rativalayapadāṃke kaṃṭhe Ku. 2. 64 marked with the signs or traces &c.; madgotrāṃkaṃ geyaṃ Me. 86; a stain, spot, stigma, brand; iṃdoḥ kiraṇeṣvivāṃkaḥ Ku. 1. 3; kaṭyāṃ kṛtāṃko nirvāsyaḥ Ms. 8. 281.

    3 A numerical figure; a number; the number


    4 A side, flank; proximity, reach (connected with 1 above); samutsukevāṃkamupaiti siddhiḥ Ki. 3. 40; premṇopakaṃṭhaṃ muhuraṃkabhājo ratnāvalīraṃbudhirābabaṃdha Śi. 3. 36; siṃho jaṃbukamaṃkamāgatamapi tyattvā nihaṃti dvipaṃ Bh. 2. 30; Ki. 17. 64, See °āgata below.

    5 An act of a drama, for its nature &c, See S. D. 278.

    6 A hook or curved instrument.

    7 A species of dramatic composition, one of the ten varieties of rūpaka, See S. D. 519.

    8 An ornament (bhūṣā).

    9 A sham fight, military show (citrayuddha).

    10 A coefficient.

    11 A place.

    12 A sin, misdeed.

    13 A line, curved line; a curve or bend generally, the bend in the arm.

    14 The body.

    15 A mountain. [cf. L. uncus; Gr. ogkos].


    aṃkaṃ [aṃke madhye aṃkāḥ śatapatrādicihnāni yasya Tv.] water.

    avatāraḥ when an act, hinted by persons at the end of the preceding act, is brought in continuity with the latter, it is called aṃkāvatāra (descent of an act), as the sixth act of Śakuntalā or second of Mālavikāgnimitra (aṃkāṃte sūcitaḥ pātraistadaṃkasyāvibhāgataḥ . yatrāṃkovataratyerṣokāvatāra iti smṛtaḥ S. D. 311). The Daśarūpa defines it differently; aṃkāvatārastvaṃkāṃte pātoṃkasyāvibhāgataḥ . ebhiḥ saṃsūcayetsūcyaṃ dṛśyamaṃkaiḥ pradarśayet 1. 56.

    āgata, gata a. [dvi. ta.] come within the grasp or reach; siṃhatvaṃ °sattvavṛtti R. 2. 38; śriyaṃ yuvāpyaṃkagatāmabhoktā R. 13. 67.

    karaṇaṃ marking, branding &c.

    taṃtraṃ the science of numbers (arithmetical or algebraical).

    dhāraṇaṃ ṇā

    1 bearing or having marks, such as those on the body of a Vaiṣṇava.

    2 manner of holding the person, figure.

    parivartaḥ [sa. ta.]

    1 turning on the other side.

    2 rolling or dallying in the lap or on the person; api karṇajāhaviniveśitānanaḥ priyayā tadaṃkaparivartamāpnuyāṃ Māl. 5. 8 (an occasion for) embrace (aṃke kroḍe sarvatobhāvena vartanaṃ hṛdayāliṃganaṃ ityarthaḥ Jagaddhara; so °parivartin; bhartuḥ °nī bhava M. 3.)

    pādavrataṃ N. of a Vrata; title of a chapter in the bhaviṣyottarapurāṇa.

    pāliḥ lī [pā-ali ṣa. ta. . ṅīp]

    1 the extremity or region of the lap (kroḍaprāṃta or pradeśa); a seat in the (pb) lap; hence, an embrace; tāvadgāḍhaṃ vitara sakṛdapyaṃkapālīṃ prasīda Māl. 8. 2.

    2 [ aṃkena pālayati pāl-i. tṛ. ta.] a nurse.

    3 (

    ) a variety of plant, Piring or Medicago Esculenta; [vedikākhyagaṃdhadravyaṃ].

    pāśaḥ [aṃkaḥ pāśa iva baṃdhaneneva pātanaheturyatra Tv.] an operation in arithmetic by which a peculiar concatenation or chain of numbers is formed by making the figures 1, 2 &c. exchange places ( sthānāṃtamekādicayāṃkaghātaḥ saṃkhyāvibhedā niyataiḥ syuraṃkaiḥ . bhaktoṃkamityāṃkasamāsanighnaḥ sthāneṣu yukto miṃtisaṃyutiḥ syāt See Līlā. 240); (na guṇo na haro na kṛtirna ghanaḥ pṛṣṭastathāpi duṣṭānāṃ . garvitagaṇakabahūnāṃ syāt pāto'vaśyamaṃkapāśe'smin).

    pūraṇaṃ multiplication of numbers or figures.

    baṃdhaḥ. forming the lap, bending the thighs into a curve and squatting down.

    2 branding with a mark that resembles a headless trunk (aśiraḥpuruṣākāroṃkaḥ).

    bhāj [aṃkaṃ bhajate upa. sa.]

    1 seated in the lap or carried on the hip, as an infant.

    2 being within easy reach, drawing near, soon to be obtained; avirahitamanekenāṃkabhājā phalena Ki. 5. 52.

    3 premature, early ripe, forced fruit.

    mukhaṃ (or āsyaṃ) that part of an act, wherein the subject of all the acts is intimated, is called aṃkamukha, which suggests the germ as well as the end, e. g. in Māl. 1 kāmaṃdakī and avalokitā hint the parts to be played by bhūrivasu and others and give the arrangement of the plot in brief (yatra syādaṃka ekasminnaṃkānāṃ sūcanākhilā . tadaṃkamukhamityāhurbījārthakhyāpakaṃ ca tat .. S. D. 312). The Daśarūpa defines it thus: aṃkāṃtapātrairaṃkāsyaṃ chinnāṃkasyārthasūcanāt . i. e. where a character at the end of an act cuts short the story and introduces the beginning of another act; as in the second of Mv.

    loḍyaḥ [aṃkena loḍyate asau] a kind of tree (ciṃcoṭa) ginger.

    lopaḥ subtraction of numbers.

    vidyā the science of numbers, arithmetic.