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  • Index of Louis Renou’s Vocabulaire du rituel védique

    August 12, 2022 (modified October 7, 2022)

    I prepared an index of the following work: Louis Renou. Vocabulaire du rituel védique. Collection de vocabulaires techniques du sanskrit 1. Paris: Klincksieck, 1953-1954.

    I have found two versions of this work on the internet. One of them (which you can download here) is dated from 1953, but a librarian added the date 1954 at the beginning of the book, for some unknown reason. The other (which you can download here) is dated from 1954, and does not state anywhere that it is a new edition. This is rather surprising, as the two versions do differ. Even more surprising is the fact that the supposedly newest version from 1954 lacks dictionary entries that are present in the 1953 version. Compare for instance p. 2 of each version.

    Since the 1953 version seems more complete, it is the one that I have chosen to index. In any case, page numbers remain the same in both versions for terms that do appear in both of them.

    The index I prepared gives you the list of Sanskrit terms defined in the book, together with the corresponding page numbers. Not all Sanskrit terms are indexed, only primary entries (they appear in uppercase in the books) and secondary entries (they appear at the beginning of a paragraph within an entry). Sanskrit terms that appear in the middle of a paragraph are generally ignored.

    The data can be used to create a search interface for the dictionary. It is available as a CSV file, encoded in UTF-8 and normalized to NFC. You can download it here. Entries are sorted as in the books. This is not the Sanskrit alphabetical order, since secondary entries do not necessarily sort after the primary entry they belong to.

    The CSV file contains the following columns:

    # Name Explanation
    0 id Entry id. A monotonically increasing integer, starting at 1. This value is used for cross-referencing purposes (see below).
    1 term Entry term, in IAST notation. Doesn’t contain non-alphabetic characters except spaces (U+0020) and the anusvara, written ' (U+0027).
    2 page Page number. A positive integer. To be more accurate, this is the number of the page on which the term appears, if an entry spans several pages.
    3 parent If the entry is primary i.e. if it appears in uppercase in the book, this field contains the value 0. Otherwise, it holds the id of the primary entry under which the entry appears. For instance, the secondary entry adhvaryupatha (p. 10) has the value 76 as parent, because this is the id of its parent entry adhvaryu (p. 9).
    4 verb A boolean indicating whether the entry term is a verb: 1 if so, 0 otherwise. Verbs are indicated with a trailing hyphen in the book.